
6 Second Filmmakers on Vine Now Include David Lynch

  • Published in Film + Web


Vine, Twitter’s take on six seconds of animated video in a square frame, has a brand new member.

Who’s already on board and what are they doing? Writer/actor Adam Goldberg was called out by New York Magazine as the king of Vine when it first began, coming up with many short-shorts right off the bat. When director James Mangold posted his new “The Wolverine” movie trailer looped in a square for six seconds, he called it a “tweaser.”

Director David Lynch is now giving it a try, posting this piece, “Another Mystery.” (The embed does not auto-play, so clicking is required to start it.)

Even the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival is recognizing notable work on Vine. They curated a Vine-sponsored contest back in April, picking their favorites:

Why six seconds? It could be that five seconds is already taken for years – by the wildly successful team at 5 Second Films, based in Los Angeles. (The team is now Kickstarting a feature film for $200,000 — and well on their way to making the goal.) The 5SF team helped judge the Tribeca/Vine contest.

Whatever your opinion on mobile and square cinema, you cannot deny it’s becoming more mainstream. But why is it still relegated to online only? Super short films with creative chops would make a great addition to pre-feature entertainment, elevator installations, and public transit stations.


Aaron Proctor
Founder, FWD:labs
Director of Photography site


Check out the new @DAVID_LYNCH short film he made with @vineapp. What does it mean for the short-short medium? http://t.co/chBlJqXCkj

FWD:labs (@fwdlabs) #

6 Second Filmmakers on #Vine Now Include David Lynch – http://t.co/3OWI3S3TpP

@JethroAmes #

[…] creativity which is never a bad thing, if done well! The Tribeca Film Festival have even curated a 6 Second film contest to recognise work on Vine. Athough, I’m not sure how I feel about this. Is this what our […]

Using Vine and Instagram as a filmmaker #

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