Keep it for now. Photo by Brandon King (Creative Commons).
“Hollywood hits the stop button on high-profile Web video efforts,” Los Angeles Times:
“So many of the major media companies thought they could just make a good show, put it online and sell advertising,” said Jim Moloshok, a former Warner Bros. and Yahoo executive who is now chairman of online advertising company Betawave. “That’s like taking a radio show and running it on television.”
“Digital technology and dollar signs,” Los Angeles Times op-ed by Scott Kirsner:
Business models for content on the Internet are still evolving. But it’s already becoming clear that $100-million movies like “Land of the Lost,” or even $10-million independent films, may not represent the future of the industry. And new technologies like YouTube, the iPhone and next-generation gaming consoles are opening up all sorts of new, creative possibilities. The artists and business people who will succeed in this new environment are those who are paying attention to the changing behaviors and tastes of this new digital audience — rather than trying to ignore them or, worse, explaining why they are wrong.
(via Scott Kirsner’s Cinema Tech)
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