Part of a series of posts about great film, web, or design artists and their work abuzz online and in-person.

Terry Gilliam on the set of “The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus.”
- Back in 2011, Terry Gilliam’s shared ten lessons for directors — given to a Master Class to Moroccan film students — which was re-printed in Filmmaker Magazine. Tips include anecdotes like “surround yourself with improvisers” and “all you’ve really got in life is story.”
- Feature filmmakers behind “The Guest” decided to give away their soundtrack for free. According to a promotion on their Tumblr, by hashtagging their film with a photo of your ticket stub, you could get the digital download. The effort engaged early fans well enough that they extended the promotion for longer than planned.
- Mike Monteiro (Design Director of Mule Design Studio) recently wrote 13 tips for designers to not screw up client presentations, which can easily apply to anyone in work-for-hire professions, like “[don’t] talk about how hard you worked” and “[don’t] ask ‘do you like it?'”
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