Part of a series of posts about great film, web, or design artists and their work abuzz online and in-person.

Set photo of “The Canyons” by Jeff Minton for The New York Times.
- “Here Is What Happens When You Cast Lindsay Lohan in Your Movie” (The New York Times, January 10)
“[Author Bret Easton] Ellis, [producer Braxton] Pope and [director Paul] Schrader are putting up $30,000 apiece. The rest will be raised on Kickstarter with promises of cameos, script reviews and — for the low, low price of $10,000 — the money clip that Robert DeNiro gave Schrader on the set of ‘Taxi Driver.'” - “Panasonic’s Any Battery Light isn’t picky about battery size, takes anything in your junk drawer” (Gizmodo, January 3)
“The Any Battery Light can siphon power from AA, AAA, D and C-sized batteries, lighting the dark with just a single serving of any compatible size. Loading it up with all four provides up to 86 hours of continuous LED illumination.” - “The 12 (Or So) Mistakes Online Video Marketers Always Make” (Mediapost, January 2)
“The most painful ‘mistake’ is trying too hard to go viral. Usually this involves a failed attempt to be funny, which ends up creating consumer disdain for the advertiser.” - “Humble Beginnings” (Alex McCaw, December 17, 2012)
“Twitter started out as a podcasting site, Flickr a multiplayer game, Youtube a dating website, Yelp a email recommendations service and PayPal was hell bent on transferring IOUs between Palm Pilots. … All of these successful tech companies were simple, humble and ugly when they first launched, but the one thing they all had in common is that they did something simple, and they did it well.” - “Orwell, covered up” (Creative Review, January 3)
“[Designer David] Pearson’s adept use of type – as demonstrated in his work on Penguin’s Great Ideas series of short, influential texts – is once again at the fore of each of the designs. And that includes what is perhaps one of Penguin’s most radical covers of recent years, for Nineteen Eighty-Four, where the title and author’s name are almost completely obscured by black foiling.”
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